Dealing With Disruption

COVID-19 And What Next?

The sudden and sizeable disruption we’ve seen over the last couple of months has had an extraordinary impact on pretty much every organisation in every sector. Many have increasingly had to rely on digital and social marketing and comms channels to maintain contact with suppliers, staff and customers.

Have you managed to mitigate the impacts, and prepare for a return to business as normal, whenever that comes about? Is there more you could be doing to manage today or prepare for tomorrow? We’d like to explore that with you, drawing on ours and our clients’ experience to help you and your organisation.

We’ve seen a wide range of impacts across our own community of clients and collaborators. Negative impacts in events-related businesses, others impacted positively through increased demand for home-entertainment products. The role that digital and social channels have played, and continues to play, varies enormously for each of them.

Whether it’s through paid-advertising strategies, email marketing with existing customers, or building or improving your website, social marketing and content strategy we can share our own experience and perspective on the challenges your business faces. 

So if you think it could help, please schedule a time that suits you and give us a brief overview of your business and any specific challenges you’re facing. We’ll try and get the right people from our team together and help identify any actions you could be taking on either Digital, Social, Search or PR and Strategic Comms fronts.

It’s entirely free and we’re not selling. We want to share and apply what we’ve been learning, experiencing and thinking and hope it might help some of you to prepare for more positive outcomes for your organisation and all of it’s stakeholders in the near future.

Most of all we’d love to connect. Because if nothing else recently we’ve probably all learnt how valuable those social connections are.

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